Forming boys in joy

Welcome to Our General Application for Camp and Outdoor Trip Programs

St. John Bosco Camps (SJBC) welcomes your interest in sending your son(s) to our camps and outdoor trips like Sursum Corda.

We provide for the safety and spiritual health of our organization, our volunteers, and your sons by holding all parties to the highest professional and moral standards.

Your participation in this mission to make SJBC a safe and spiritually fruitful experience for boys is essential to our success.

By completing this application you are doing the following:

  • Attesting to the accuracy of the information you provide in the application for each son
  • Confirming that you have read and accept the Terms & Conditions that apply to all SJBC Programs
  • Acknowledging that SJBC is not obligated to accept an application, and that SJBC reserves the right to deny any application, for any reason.

We look forward to your application, and ask you for your continued prayerful support of our programs!

Most of our camps have received more applications than we have space for. All further applications to Sursum Corda, CSIJ, and CSP Session 1 will be placed on a waiting list.

We do however still have a few more spots on Camp St. Peter Session 2 for those still interested in applying.

© 2024 St. John Bosco Camps, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.